Join Our 40 day Economic Fast

March 5, 2025

40 Days of Economic Fasting:  A Spiritual Journey to Financial Power and Liberation

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.”  Matthew 6:33


Question:  What is fasting:

Answer:  Fasting is learning to discipline your mind, body and spirit to remove something you know hinders your ability to function at your highest capacity.


Question:  Is fasting biblical?

Answer:  Fasting is biblical.  Throughout the Old and New Testaments, fasting was used by the people of God to prepare for a spiritual challenge, hear God’s voice before making major decisions, and for the removal of destructive forces in your life.


Question:  When do we start and how long does it last?

Answer: We will begin the fast on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 and we will end on Sunday, April 20, 2025.


Question:  Why have we chosen to collectively observe an economic fast this Lenten season?

Answer:  This 40-day economic fast joins our spiritual tradition of fasting with economic empowerment, drawing inspiration from Biblical examples like Jesus's 40 days in the wilderness. Just as traditional fasting strengthens our spiritual discipline and clarity, this economic fast will strengthen our financial discipline while building collective economic power within our community.


Question:  When, where and how will I receive information?

Answer:  We will meet online, Monday’s from 5:00 PM – 5:30 PM via Zoom at 450-450-1961.  Weekly updates will be provided by video posted to The Feast of Fasting Facebook Page.  Questions can be emailed to


Question:  What is permitted during the fast?

Permitted During Fast

·       Medical expenses and prescriptions

·       Transportation to work

·       Bills and regular obligations

·       Emergency expenses

Buy Black where possible

·       Essential groceries and household items

·       Dining

·       Entertainment

Restricted During Fast

·       Impulse buying

·       Luxury items

·       Non-essential clothing

·       Subscription services


Question:  Where can I find places to purchase essential products from black owned businesses?

Answer:  Here is a link to online black-owned businesses that we will continue to populate.  If you would like have a business added please email with the name of the business, type of essential products sold and website.  This does NOT include clothing stores.

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